Fire the Teacher

Fire the Teacher generator

Purchase and download options will be available when the first beta is release

This shows the Fire the Teacher concept with the custom graphics:

- Create your own Flash-based interactive challenge game - how far can you fire the teacher?
- Each correct answer allows the player to fire their teacher out of a cannon - the more correct answers, the greater the 'power-ups'
- Whole application has been carefully designed for ease of use. The generator interface allows you to save and load your data files. You can thus easily differentiate, adapt and improve your games.
- SCORM compliant, meaning scores can be tracked with your VLE
- Your purchase is for the generator program - once purchased, you can generate an unlimited number of games.
- The game can be used an a wide variety of situations - will be fantastic with a entire class via an interactive whiteboard and projector.
- Easily link your games into existing online materials - ideal for intranets, websites and VLEs.
- Based around multiple-choice questions the game will offer at least a one player and two player option.
- Your own game in minutes - type your questions in, press generate - that's it!

None available yet - game and generator program in development

- None available yet - game and generator program in development
- See the ContentGenerator.net community forums for further details.

- The generator program:
Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP or Vista. Also works with Intel Macs via Parallels / VM Ware.
- Finished quizzes:
Any device with the free Adobe Flash Player installed.
- The games you generate can be uploaded to a website, used on a school network or just directly from an individual PC. The Flash game can be used on any computer or device with the Flash player installed.

- This section will contain information about the development of the program - currently the following information still needs to be updated fully.