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Teacher Invaders Rate File: * * * * * 1 Votes

File Name
Teacher Invaders by Andrew Field Icon
29 August 2008 - 02:05 AM
Last Updated
17 January 2010 - 02:02 AM
File Size
1.97MB (Estimated Download Times)
Teacher Invaders generator
Full release of version 3.0

The program is now in its finished state supporting the generation of both standard .swf games and SCORM compliant .zip files.

Please post your thoughts in the feedback thread. Please unistall previous versions before installing this one.

This game is free for any not-for profit educational use. The current beta can generate games which are fully usable, including SCORM compliance. See the beta thread for details.

Should you wish to contribute towards future development of such programs, please do make a contribution via PalPal. This is not a sneaky way of charging you and there is no obligation to donate anything, but I've setup the facility just in case you wish to offer something to say thanks.

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