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Penalty Shootout 3.02 Rate File: * * * * * 1 Votes

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Penalty Shootout 3.02 by Andrew Field Icon
02 November 2008 - 03:41 PM
Last Updated
21 January 2010 - 12:52 AM
File Size
2.54MB (Estimated Download Times)
Penalty Shootout

This is the full Penalty Shootout 3 release. There are no time restrictions at all, but you do need to register the program with your registration details.

Please uninstall any previous versions before installing this one.

If you are a site licence customer, please contact us for the network installation.

This is a a free upgrade for all previous customers yet contains a significant number of new features.

New features:
  • Brand new design with custom icons and a professonal new look[/color]Large clear icons on the new start screen together with a consistent set of functional icons across the bottom of the screen. Hopefully a massive improvement that everyone will appreciate.
  • Produces fully SCORM-compliant packages which can be uploaded to any SCORM-enabled VLE. This allows you to track the scores and usage of the game. It has been created and tested for Moodle but will work with any VLE. Note:When you produce a SCORM-enabled .zip file you will also be directed onto new support pages at - these will provide an easy step-by-step guide how to upload the SCORM .zip to Moodle together with the ability to experiment at
  • SCORM + standard generation all in one programAs well as the ability to generate a single .swf file (as before) you can now generate SCORM compliant games. Fully integrated with the existing features.
  • [color="#ff0000"]Game 'intelligently' adapts to its role - when in a VLE the game is fixed to a one player mode with 10 questions, picks up the player's name from the VLE and delivers the score securely back to the VLE. When in standalone mode the game retains the full one and two player features. You can setup these options via the new generator interface.
  • Ability to produce a separate webpage with a list of the questions in the quiz. Instantly extends the utility of the program. For instance you could put this list of questions on your site before students attempt to complete the game - or it could be a homework task or even a written one. Should help integrate the activity into other parts of your lessons. Easy to print off, upload or copy and paste into an existing page or VLE.

[Update release - version 3.02]
  • [Update] Updated registration system, minor front-end improvements
  • [Update] Officially signed code - no worrying warnings on installation

[Update release - version 3.01a]
  • [Fixed] File just updated to 3.01a - somehow 'Continue' button on main game stopped working - this update fixes this.

[Update release - version 3.01]
  • [Fixed] File just updated to 3.01 - fix for SCORM issue not displaying scores correctly + grammatical error when 1 player score displayed on screen.

[Full release of version 3.0]
  • [Update] Changed plan to allow fewer than 10 questions - even in SCORM game this didn't make sense as you always have 10 penalties to take. Fixed minimum of 10 questions.
  • [Fixed] Interface improvements - removing clutter in every possible way - removed one large icon from homepage as the new support section will provide both support and online tutorials
  • [Bug fixes] Usability of 'game settings' page to ensure that the tab button can be used, plus fixed minor issues displaying 2 player final score together with updated hyperlinks to support sections.

[Fixes RC 1.0 / 1.1]
  • [Fixed] Issues loading games - early (2004) data didn't always load correctly, full backwards compatiblity now works,automatically coping with the old data format without further user intervention.
  • [Fixed] Issues loading a game form the game loading screen - annoying bug meant you could load another game correctly if you'd accidentally just loaded the wrong one.
  • [Fixed - although still testing - hence this beta] Interface and usability issues
  • [Still to fix - problem understood and fix sorted, just not done yet] Issues with over 100 questions in one game, erroneous numbers appear at start of question
  • [Fixed] + lots of minor fixes / improvements that I will note down when I have time.
[3.0 RC]
  • [Update] Improve SCORM handling within generator interface - moved simpler and more straightforward selector to the main game settings page. Simplifed the whole SCORM-selection process to just a one button click.

Future plans - i.e. not going to form part of this release:
  • Ability to edit goalkeeper heads - noted but not possible at this time
  • Ability to include images within questions - planned for future releases, but this will force a need to include additional files, removing the simplicity of having a single .swf

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