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Practice Paper 3.0 Rate File: * * * * * 1 Votes

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Practice Paper 3.0 by Andrew Field Icon
20 September 2009 - 05:30 PM
Last Updated
20 January 2010 - 11:50 PM
File Size
2.02MB (Estimated Download Times)
Practice Paper 3.0

This is the 3.0 release version of Practice Paper - making use of the version 3 interface and a significant performance boost.

  • No longer randomly crashes!
  • New 3.0 look and feel - much improved interface
  • Improved activity generation - now generates activities nearly instantly
  • More efficient technique for multiple activities on one site - same practicepaper.swf and practicepaper.js can be used
  • Generator improvements - prevents you entering more than 25 questions by fading the forward arrow out - previously you just found out by trial and error

Background details:

Until recently some users reported that it kept crashing when generating a file - this issue has now been fixed with a change to the code. This version is now fully usable and should work without any issues. There are a couple of final tweaks to make before this becomes the official release version.

Previous issue (now fixed):

I keep encountering crashes when I generate a file and then quit the program. Yet when I've given others access to the program they haven't encountered any issues at all. It is most puzzling - especially as I've tested it on multiple platforms (Windows XP, Vista, 7 - and a virtualised Mac version) and I still encounter the crash.

So, feel free to use this updated version but please do report back how you get on with it. You can use the Practice Paper section on this forum at:

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