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Grade or No Grade Rate File: * * * * * 1 Votes

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Grade or No Grade by Andrew Field Icon
29 August 2008 - 02:21 AM
Last Updated
20 September 2009 - 04:30 PM
File Size
2.05MB (Estimated Download Times)
File now updated to the full 3.02 release

Bug fixes:
  • SCORM option - 'begin' button now appears correctly
  • Quit button - now correctly 'disappears' when no quit link has been set
  • 'Restart' option when you get a question wrong now works correctly
Feature 'tweaks':
  • SCORM option - logged in name appears much more clearly
  • Installer includes certificate, meaning it is a 'known' publisher so doesn't produce annoying warning errors when installing with Vista or Windows 7

Version 3.0 and 3.01

I have now updated the first beta to extend its expiry time. I've been very pleased with how it has worked. What I now need are further suggestions or requests for improvement. If everyone is happy with the way this current beta works, I will upgrade it as a full release.

This update improves the generator interface to the new streamlined interface and allows you to generate SCORM complaint versions of the game to upload to your VLE.

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