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Grade or No Grade

Grade or No Grade box
Grade or No Grade generator

Menu item Generate your own SCORM compliant interactive Flash learning games
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Examples Screenshot:

Grade or No Grade game screen

Program features Features:
  • Create your own Flash-based interactive game

  • Your own game in minutes - type your questions in, press generate - that's it!

  • This game offers 10 exam envelopes, each with an exam grade in. Each turn if the correct answer is given, the player picks an exam envelope.

  • At the end of each turn, the examiners give the player an offer - here the player can take it or leave it.

  • The game can be used an a wide variety of situations - Great tension in a whole class environment via an interactive whiteboard and projector. Even better in assemblies!

  • The game uses a multi-choice format - with a minimum of one incorrect answer (allowing for true / false questions as well as more in-depth answers).

  • Whole application has been carefully designed for ease of use. The generator interface allows you to save and load your data files. You can thus easily differentiate, adapt and improve your games.

  • Easily link your game into existing online materials - ideal for intranets, websites and VLEs.

  • New - SCORM compliant, meaning scores can be tracked with your VLE.
Examples Examples of the game being used:

There are many examples of this game being used online - try some of the links below or explore the Showcase section... icon Feedback from users:
  • "I did one on energy for year 10's I don't think I have laughed so much, when they swapped an A* for an F, much to their disgust. They great value of these games is that they have to read the question... something I find they have great difficulty in doing"
    Tony Cassidy,

  • "I can't wait to try it out in the classroom! It is fantastic!"
    Esther Mercier

  • "Top banana, as always - well done Andrew!"
    by Doug Belshaw,

  • See the community forums for further feedback.
Get Flash PlayerProgram requirements Requirements:
  • The generator program:
    Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP or Vista. Also works with Intel Macs via Parallels / VM Ware.

  • Finished quizzes:
    Any device with the free Adobe Flash Player installed.

  • The games you generate can be uploaded to a website, used on a school network or just directly from an individual PC. The Flash game can be used on any computer or device with the Flash player installed.
Program development Development
  • These details will be updated further - the most recent developments have been with the new version 3 interface and support for SCORM.

  • Game first developed in May 2006

  • Beta 0.6 released May 21st 2006

  • Included most of the finished game - ability to select grades, answer questions - also included the gameshow-style graphics.

  • Beta 0.8 released May 31st 2006 - bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed bug that allowed players to select all the grades at once and jump to the end. Improved generator program to make it more usable and also improved the game graphics introducing exam envelopes to link in with the whole game theme.

  • Beta 0.9 released June 7th 2006 - improvements and further fixes

  • Fixed question handling and made sure the 'keep' or 'swap' option at the end worked correctly. Improved graphics so the animation worked much more smoothly.

  • Version 1.0 released on September 29th 2006 - final fixes

  • Final improvements to the main title screen and question handling. Also improved the way the generator program handles the questions - much more user friendly.

  • See the forum for more details about future plans.


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