Half a Min

Half a Min generator

- Part of the ContentGenerator.net mini-suite - free programs based around anagrams / terminology challenges.
- Create your own Flash-based interactive quiz
- Your own quiz in minutes - type your questions in, press generate - that's it!
- This quiz is ideal for terminology or definitions.
- Each word is jumbled up, the player has 30 seconds to try and guess the answer.
- Easily link your quiz into existing online materials - ideal for intranets, websites and VLEs.
- SCORM functionality to be developed in the next release - hopefully early 2009

There are many examples of this game being used online - try some of the links below, explore the Showcase section or just do a quick Google search...
- Global Warning created by Tony Cassidy on ShareGeography.co.uk
- Value and Importance of Information quiz - created by ReviseICT.co.uk
- An example from Estonia - but we have no idea what topic it is!

- "Half a Min is a perfect fastpaced starter - gets their braincells working ...the moment they walk through the door. My pupils seem to beat me every time - even though I'm the one who chose the words!"
by 'goneunderground'.
- "Brilliant... will also mean no more "Do I have to spell it right?" - will help develop spelling as well as testing knowledge of key terms - fantastic!!"
by Rob Chambers.
- "Genius as always - lots of fun and a good way to fix in the key facts."
John D Clare.
- Any questions or comments? Post them on the community forum at www.contentgenerator.net/forum/.

- The generator program:
Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP or Vista. Also works with Intel Macs via Parallels / VM Ware.
- Finished quizzes:
Any device with the free Adobe Flash Player installed.
- The games you generate can be uploaded to a website, used on a school network or just directly from an individual PC. The Flash game can be used on any computer or device with the Flash player installed.

- Version 1.1 released 16th October 2006
- Improvements and additions - new clearer font for the entire game, support for special character input, redesign of main quiz screen and warning screen for those without correct Flash player. Also released free .msi network installation file.
- Version 1.0 released 27th September 2006
- Included 30 second countdown timer, Actionscript word randomizer, ability to type letters in or click on the letters.
- Program first created in September 2006
- See the forum for more details about future plans.