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lnteractive Diagram Generator
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Purchase the Interactive Diagram Generator now - instant download available.
The Interactive Diagram Generator (iDG) is ContentGenerator.net's premier product.
It allows you to create your own Interactive Diagrams just by adding your own content.
Watch a demonstration of this program in action.
Interactive Diagrams on SchoolHistory.co.uk have been highly praised in the press:
![]() "Interactive diagrams, where you fill in a topic map about the first world war, for example, are also helpful, extracting knowledge about troop recruitment or conditions in the trenches. You are given headings and clues to peek at, and although the exercise is difficult, it is a good learning tool." "... an idea that works well on screen...." Part of 5/5 star reviews for the past two years (May 2005 and April 2004) |
![]() "Another brilliant shtmlect of this site is the interactive diagrams, which you can complete online or print off. They are similar to Mind Maps and provide a good way of ensuring pupils have the basic factual knowledge needed for the exams." (January 2005) |
... but don't take their word for it - find out yourself! |
What is the iDG?
- A tool that allows anyone to generate their own interactive spider diagram or concept map.
- This interactive diagram is an innovative eLearning object with six editable boxes surrounding a key question in central oval shape.
- With the iDG you can fully customise and prepare your own interactive diagram, differentiated for your own students' learning needs.
How can my students use Interactive Diagrams - why should I bother?
Interactive Diagrams provide extensive opportunities and can be used in many different ways. For example, students can use them to:
- Make topic summaries
- Construct notes for revision
- Plan and structure an extended piece of writing
- Complete work related to a series of guided questions
- Annotate and develop pre-prepared colour-coded notes and ideas
- Précis work to extend knowledge and understanding
- Model answer revision diagrams - one of over 100 diagrams available on SchoolHistory.co.uk. Here you can see how other teachers are already making extensive use of the Interactive Diagrams. The generator program allows anyone to create their own with a minimum of effort.
- Instructional note taker - part of an online history lesson using hints to guide students.
- Question & answer on ReviseICT.co.uk - interactive task accompanied by possible answers.
What is so good about the iDG?
- No need to be an ICT expert to produce an engaging ICT-based lesson.
- You can integrate ICT within your subject teaching - efficiently preparing a unique resource for your students' requirements.
- As the Interactive Diagrams are Macromedia Flash-based they work effectively regardless of computer system via a digital projector, interactive whiteboard, computer network.
- Files are automatically produced to allow anyone to upload them to a school network, website or standalone PC - its easy to publish them to the web!
- With the iDG you can fully customise and prepare your own interactive diagram, differentiated and specifically for your own students' learning needs
- Interactive Diagrams enable student to work independently yet within a clear structure
- Every user can produce professional-looking materials easily.
- Visually impaired students can access and use the information.
- You can save the files that you produce - allowing you to edit, redeveop and improve. You can easily produce different versions of the same diagam.
Purchase the Interactive Diagram Generator now - £29.99 for an unlimited individual licence
What exactly are Interactive Diagrams?
Editable topic maps. Interactive spider diagrams. Students enter and customise their notes producing an effective, professional looking piece of work.
Interactive Diagrams are dynamic learning tools that allow students to make and customise their own notes. Based around the concept of a 'spider diagram' or 'topic map' the user completes boxes surrounding a key question or topic. Each box is fully editable enabling the student to change the background colour, font colour and font formatting (bold, italic and underline).
Yet the diagrams are much more that just a structured way of allow students to present neat notes. Hint and guidance boxes allow the teacher to provide suggestions that students can access. The teacher can even create different versions to reflect the need for differentiation within the class, personalising the learning. More hints and ideas offered to some students in much the same way as differentiated versions of the same textbook work in the traditional classroom.
The hint boxes allow the use of diagrams in many different ways, each enabling students to make effective use of ICT as a tool for learning. For revision purposes the teacher or instructor could provide full model answers. The student then attempts to put their own versions, referring the the model answers where necessary. An additional feature allows the student to print a copy of all the model answers - producing a revision guide to print off and use.
As part of online lessons, the hint boxes can alternatively contain questions or guidance. By doing this the diagrams can then be used as an advanced notation tool, encouraging students to complete their own notes and ideas but limiting them to a specific number of words. The interactive diagrams thus encourage effective notation and précis skills.
As a further massive development for this new release, the interactive diagrams are now fully accessible to visually impaired users. If a screen reader (such as the industry leading JAWS or Window-Eyes) is present, the diagram automatically forwards the display to accessible and readable Flash within the diagram itself. The help and guidance information can then be read easily. This feature is also accessible from the standard diagram via the 'accessible eye' icon.
The diagrams make use of the Macromedia Flash player. They have been carefully produced to print out to standard paper sizes (A4 and letter). As they print directly from the vector-driven Flash player the resulting printouts are sharp and crisp producing a really professional finished piece of work.
The best way to see and understand the concept is to see them in action. Explore their use as both a revision aid and a learning tool on my educational websites.
What does the Interactive Diagram Generator (iDG) do?
As the ContentGenerator.net premier product, it is so much more than a great interactive game or quiz creation tool. The iDG allows anyone to create their own fully customised Interactive Diagrams. An enormous amount of effort has gone into allows users to customise every last detail of the diagram so they are as useful as possible. This gives teachers and educators the power to generate their own in-depth, effective and innovative learning tools. See how easy it is to use...
With this tool you can setup your own rich-text hint boxes - setting the background colour of each individual hint box. Within each hint / suggestion box you can use the rich text customisation tools to set the text colour, and formatting including bold, italic and underline. This enables you to generate helpful guidance and assistance exactly as you wish - colour coding for categorisation or classification could easily be produced. The blank boxes that appear when the diagram first loads can also have their colours set - enabling a colour-focused task if desirable.
You can obviously customise the diagram title, key question and individual box titles, but this has been extended even further by offering the opportunity to customise the 'hint button' text. By default "Hover here for ideas" is displayed, but this can be changed to any text at all - such as "Questions" or "Areas to focus on" - quite literally whatever you require. In addition you can customise the general guidance text at the top of the diagram and even introduce an instructions 'pop-up' box that appears when the diagram is first loaded.
To integrate the advanced interactive diagrams into your website you can also upload your own .jpg logo and set both text and 'quit' button hyperlinks. This enables you do build diagrams into larger eLearning exercises - or indeed one of the other ContentGenerator.net products!
As with the other ContentGenerator.net generator programs both a Flash (.swf) and webpage (.html) file are produced when you generate your diagram, meaning everything is produced ready for immediate use on a website, intranet or standalone PC. With an interactive whiteboard or projector the diagrams are ideal as an overview or class summary - especially if your whiteboard or projector has a zoom feature to focus students' attention.
The iDG has taken a great deal of development to reach this stage. It would have been easy to release a simple program that simply replaced the standard help text with your own but yet again ContentGenerator.net has developed a fantastic eLearning product.
See the interactive demonstration of the Interactive Diagram Generator program.
Use for guided model answers - revision of key concepts and questions | |
How can these diagrams be used? |
Why - what are the benefits? |
Have 'suggested hints' with guidance or questions | |
How can these diagrams be used? | Why - what are the benefits? |
Purchase the Interactive Diagram Generator now - £29.99 for an unlimited individual licence