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Penalty Shootout

Penalty Shootout box
Penalty Shootout generator

Menu item Generate your own SCORM compliant interactive Flash learning games
Menu item Full version available for £24.99 [
individual] and £99.99 [site licence]
Menu item Play an example game
Purchase Purchase:

Purchase the Penalty Shootout generator now - instant download available.
Examples Screenshot:

Penalty Shootout title screen

Program features Features:
  • Create your own Flash-based interactive football / soccer game

  • Whole application has been carefully designed for ease of use. The generator interface allows you to save and load your data files. You can thus easily differentiate, adapt and improve your games.

  • New - SCORM compliant, meaning scores can be tracked with your VLE

  • Your purchase is for the generator program - once purchased, you can generate an unlimited number of games.

  • The game can be used an a wide variety of situations - is fantastic with a entire class via an interactive whiteboard and projector.

  • Easily link your games into existing online materials - ideal for intranets, websites and VLEs.

  • Based around multiple-choice questions the game offers a one player and two player option with all the tension and enthusiasm of an actual penalty shootout.

  • Your own game in minutes - type your questions in, press generate - that's it!
Examples Examples of the game being used:

There are many examples of this game being used online - try some of the links below, explore the Showcase section or just do a quick Google search... icon Feedback from users:
  • "I would like to thank you for making this available - the students have been amazed and the other staff have been wondering what all the cheering has been about!"
    Dr. Nick Dennis

  • "I had a group of 6th form lads who couldn't hear anything I said such was the concentration on the game, a group of year 11 "characters" asked to come in and use it over lunchtime and the cries of anguish that greet a "hit the bar" or penalty can be retaken message never fails to make me laugh! .... probably the best £25 the department has ever spent! (and you can quote me on that)"
    Jo Norton

  • See the community forums for further feedback.
Get Flash PlayerProgram requirements Requirements:
  • The generator program:
    Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP or Vista. Also works with Intel Macs via Parallels / VM Ware.

  • Finished quizzes:
    Any device with the free Adobe Flash Player installed.

  • The games you generate can be uploaded to a website, used on a school network or just directly from an individual PC. The Flash game can be used on any computer or device with the Flash player installed.
Program development Development
  • This section will contain information about the development of the program - currently the following information still needs to be updated fully.


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